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What Is Considered Low-Income for Seniors in Arizona?

July 01, 2023 / Senior Care Options

Seniors living in Arizona will be considered low income if they are making less than 80% of the median annual salary in their residential area and for their household size. Per the U.S. Census in 2021, the median annual household income in Arizona is $65,913, and the average income per capita is $34,644. Based on these median income figures, it is determined that a senior household with an income of less than $52,730 annually will be considered low income. For a single senior, if they earn less than $27,715 annually, they will be considered low income. For monthly income, if an individual earns less than $2309 each month, they are considered low income. If a household earns less than $4,395 per month, they are considered low-income.

In the state of Arizona, 12.8% of the population lives in poverty. There are programs in place to help provide assistance for low-income individuals who are living in poverty, especially to help pay for living expenses and health care. For low-income seniors specifically, there are federal and state assistance programs that are designed to help seniors pay for their living expenses and long-term care, including home health care if it is necessary. Some of these state and federal assistance programs are designed to serve seniors living on a very low-income, which has stricter requirements than 80% of the median annual salary. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development defines very low income as less than 50% of the annual median income for the household size in the area in which you reside. Based on these median income figures, it is determined that a senior household with an income of less than $32,956 annually will be considered to have a very low income. For a single senior, if they earn less than $17,322 annually, they will be considered to have a very low income. These lower eligibility thresholds will prevent some patients from being eligible for these programs, but each program will have its own financial eligibility requirements that may differ from the specific very low-income eligibility criteria.

If you qualify for low income or very low income assistance, there are options for you to take advantage of as a senior in Arizona. The Senior Care Arizona team is providing guidance on these options, such as health-care assistance and housing options for low-income seniors in Arizona.

Health Care Assistance for Low-Income Seniors in Arizona

Arizona’s state Medicaid program, known as the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System, or ACHCCCS, is available to certain low-income households and individuals to provide assistance with health care costs. If a senior has a household income under the eligibility limit and is 65 or older, they may qualify for assistance through this program. For individuals to meet the financial requirements, they must make less than $1,215 per month, and for a married couple to be eligible for the program, they must make less than $1,644. This will work out to be below the very low income requirement, with an annual salary for the individual of less than $14,580 and an annual income for a married couple or two person household of less than $19,728. An individual who is eligible to receive benefits through the AHCCCS will receive comprehensive health care without premiums or copays. The Medicaid program in Arizona also offers the Arizona Long Term Care System, or ALTCS, for seniors or individuals with a disability who require a nursing home or nursing facility level of care. This program provides services that include covering the costs of institutional, home or community-based care services.

Other Assistance for Low-Income Seniors in Arizona

For individuals who meet income requirements for low-income assistance, there may be options to cover additional costs aside from just health care and long-term care. Nutrition Assistance is Arizona’s SNAP, or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, and it provides monthly benefits for eligible individuals for use on food items. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) also partners with public housing agencies in the state to provide assistance with paying rent or providing subsidized apartments and housing options to eligible individuals. SSI, or Supplemental Security Income, benefits also offer cash assistance to low-income seniors to cover the costs of living expenses, in addition to some of the money they will be receiving from Social Security. Unlike Social Security, SSI does not require seniors to pay into the program in order to receive benefits; instead, they can qualify by being over the age of 65 and meeting low income and limited resource requirements.

How to Qualify for Low-Income Senior Housing in Arizona

HUD, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, sets the limit for determining eligibility for low-income housing options. These limits are based on the median family income and fair market housing rates for an area. There are multiple programs available, including Section 202, the Supportive Housing for the Elderly program.

Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program

Section 202 is meant to help expand the supply of affordable housing options with supportive services for the elderly. It aims to provide financial assistance to finance the construction of structures that will serve as supportive housing for very low-income elderly individuals. Supportive housing is designed to not only provide a comfortable, safe place to live but also provide services for the individuals who reside there, such as cleaning, cooking, and transportation. This program has made it possible to expand the availability of affordable housing in Arizona and provide additional options for very low-income seniors.

Income eligibility varies based on the housing facility, and researching the facility or working with an Arizona senior placement agency, such as the Senior Care Arizona team, can help you determine which facilities are an option for you and confirm your eligibility for low-income assistance in Arizona.